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the new album from the supreme atmospheric noise band skin crime.  anyone who attended the hospital productions 20 years festival in nyc and saw skin crime perform their first live show in nearly 15 years will understand the deep, masterful balance of tension, texture and dynamism that has been the signature since the early 90s of this cult and collectable project.  a defining characteristic is the fact that skin crime is a band with multiple members which brings live space and intricacy to a genre otherwise isolated to the confines of stagnation.  ‘ghosts i have been’ exhibits the usual mix of concrete sounds with raw electric noise slowly and seamlessly building into crescendo.  unlike the early obsession with various forms of butchery, ‘ghosts i have been’ shows the darker, more austere side of the subject matter of decay, small rural towns, an antique shop with an uncanny selection of dusty old books of stories you might rather not know about. an old library which seems eager to open its doors to readers but reluctant to open them.


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